You are correct. For years I have been an elder and about 3 years ago saw some disturbing things in regards to this.
Step #1-Body of Elders and C/O meet with RBC. RBC informs Elder Body that they along with the Circuit Overseer unanimously agree that you need a new Hall. RBC tells elders that they need to cooperate with this obvious manifestation of Holy Spirit just as the Israelites cooperated with Solomon when he built Temple. Elders are then told that they are to only say positive things about new Hall, if any publisher says something negative-elders need to give an immediate positive reply. If any elder disagrees he's told that Mother says we should build new Kingdom Hal Elders who dissent are ostracized, cut down, and systematically removed.
Step #2-Congregation is told that RBC, C/O, and Entire Elder Body Unanimously Agree that a new Kingdom Hall is needed and that they should go along with this Clear Manifestation of Jehovah's Holy Spirit! It is strongly recommended that they vote yes when vote taken. Congregation always votes yes-a few brave souls usually vote no and are looked down upon as un-theocratic and disloyal.
Step #3-New Kingdom Hall is built. Congregation is charged more than the most expensive contractor in area would charge. On top of this they must pay a hefty sum for the property. Besides this 3% interest is charged on the loan and after the loan is payed off the Society in effect retains ownership of said building and property.
Step #4-New Kingdom Hall is dedicated and congregation is told to be thankful for the new Hall that they have received according to Jehovah's merciful arrangement